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High School Campus Outreach

Our Greatest Mission Field: America's Youth

Barna Research recently released some sobering statistics about the current spiritual status of 13-17 year olds.

  • 22% self-identify as Christian and have made a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

  • 30% self-identify as Christian but have not made a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

  • 48% are not Christian and hold some other belief about who Jesus is.

When it comes to their gender identity, Newsweek recently drew it's readers in with this headline: "Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 Percent of Young Christians Identify as LGBTQ, Poll Shows" Of course, as you look deeper into this, it is a greatly skewed number, but when just a decade ago the number was less than 2%, you can see where this trend is going.

It's easy to say that America's high schools are one of the greatest mission fields we have today.

What's amazing is, we don't have to plan for months in advance, have a passport, or jump on a plane to fly thousands of miles to get to this mission field. Most of us live within 3 miles of our local high schools.

For the past few years Barry has been actively supporting our local Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) clubs on four area high school campuses. He has been there so much that FCA asked him to come on board in an FCA Ambassador position -- basically giving him a small amount of financial support to do what he was already doing, just BEING there!

How YOU Can Help Support Barry and FCA

There are TWO ways you can give to support Barry as he ministers on these local high school campuses. FIRST, you can give here through OHOP. This works better for him, as more goes to the support with no overhead taken out. If you would like to give through OHOP, use the donation portal below and either direct it toward Barry or in the "use as needed" option.

The SECOND way you can give to support what Barry is doing, is to give directly through FCA Tampa Bay. You can do that by clicking on the button below.

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